4.2.1a - Apollo 10 Images – on the way to the Moon

Apollo 10, like many missions, took several photographs of Earth as soon as they were safely in Earth orbit, and these can be seen on roll 34 (Magazine M). It’s worth having a look at a pair of images taken just after the TLI burn, if only so that we can look compare them with photographs taken after the LM had been extracted from the SIV-B (figure 4.2.0.

Figure 4.2.1: GAP scan of AS10-34-5013. AFJ source

Stellarium suggests that this image was taken at around 22:00 (figure 4.2.2a), a couple of hours after separation from the SIV-B.

The weather system to the east of the USA has a distinctive shape that should be evident from satellite photographs. The high quality version of the image clearly shows the shadow cast on Baja California by the bank of light cloud to the west. Other cloud systems of note are those north of Alaska with their 'streamers' of cloud extending into the North Pacific from the Arctic.

Figure 4.2.2a shows a zoomed and cropped version of AS10-34-5013 together with the corresponding ESSA 9, ATS 3 and NIMBUS 3 image, and a Stellarium inset showing the estimate of the time at the terminator. The ATS image is in two parts in the data catalogue, and these have been merged in this figure.

Figure 4.2.2a: ESSA-9 (top left), ATS-3 (bottom left) & NIMBUS 3 (bottom right) mosaics from 18/05/69 compared with AS10-34-5013 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator.

Below are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

The distinctive hammer shaped system off eastern USA is very much evident. What is noticeable about the satellite images is that many of the cloud systems in them are (while still recognisable) less clear than on their Apollo counterparts. This is a consistent feature throughout these three datasets. Both sets of image data provide perfect matches with the Apollo image when converted to 3D models.

The position of the weather systems suggest that the time of the Apollo image and the ESSA track over north America were very close together. North America is covered by track 3-5. The ESSA image dated the 18th of May consists of tracks 1013-1025, putting the ESSA image of North America at roughly between 18:00 and 22:00.

The orbital data for NIMBUS show that the satellite image (orbits 461-464) would have been taken between 16:22 and 21:45 on the 18th, slightly earlier than the ESSA images from the same day. The mapping method used on the photos makes placing some of the weather systems more difficult, but the 'hammer' shaped system off the east coast of the USA is still clearly identifiable, and the weather system identified by the cyan arrow is also very distinctive. That particular system was imaged a 16:37 by the IDCS on NIMBUS 3. The other distinctive one is picked out by the yellow arrow, and the westernmost part of this was photographed at 21:39.

Also available are the high resolution infra-red passes from NIMBUS-3, combined here from 4 orbital strips into a single image (figure 4.2.2b).

Figure 4.2.8: GAP scan of AS10-34-5019. AJF source

AS10-34-5019 already shows that Earth is much smaller than AS10-34-5013 despite being taken very shortly after it. The satellite images used are the same, but it is important to demonstrate that the images taken by Apollo are not of a static object, but of a rotating sphere that hides one part of the globe and reveals another as it rotates. ATS-3 is included, although much of the area covered has now passed beyond the terminator.

Stellarium shows that it was been taken just after midnight on the 19th of May. The ESSA image suggests that the orbits (tracks 5 to 7) covering the portion of the Earth visible here would have been carried out between 22:08 on the 18th and 02:08 on the 19th, so it is still appropriate to examine the image for the 18th when comparing weather patterns (figure 4.2.9a).

Figure 4.2.9a: ESSA9 Top left upper & lower), ATS-3 (bottom left) & NIMBUS 3 (bottom right) image from 18/05/69 compared with AS10-34-5019 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator.

Below are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

The overall weather patterns visible in AS10-34-5019 are clearly the same as in AS10-34-5013, but there are subtle differences between them consistent with a dynamic weather system pictured a few hours apart. To illustrate this point more, figure 4.2.9b shows a small section visible in both images.

Figure 4.2.9b: US & Mexico Pacific coastline from AS10-34-5013 (left) and AS10-34-5019 (right)

The left hand side is from AS10-34-5013, the right hand side AS10-34-5019. The weather patterns are undeniably the same, but it does not take much time to identify the differences between them. Looking at the California coastline, the bank of cloud hugging the coastline south of San Francisco and extending south west into the Pacific is much less developed in 5013.

This bank of cloud then joins offshore with a much larger one between Los Angeles and Geronimo Island lighthouse, and it is very likely that these are large fog banks, as there is a small hole in the cloud in roughly the same position as Guadeloupe The shape and size of the clear area north of Los Angeles is also different in the two photographs. Further to the west, a thin stream of cloud running north-south (top left) is much closer to the US coast in the later photograph, suggesting that this is higher altitude cloud moving more rapidly than the sea level fog bank.

Over the whole of figure, there is not a single cloud that has not in some way altered in a manner consistent with weather system development over time.

Like the ATS image, less of the NIMBUS image is available for use because of the orientation of the Earth and the availability of NIMBUS tracks, but those that are shown do feature weather patterns that match those of AS10-34-5019. ESSA's orbit nearest the terminator is 1017 (track 3), which commenced at 18:07. NIMBUS' equivalent was number 460, which commenced at 14:35.

It’s also interesting to compare AS10-34-5019 with AS10-34-5015, which (judging by the terminator) was taken at roughly the same time, but the amount of shadowed Earth visible suggests a slightly different angle – one consistent with a trajectory heading towards the moon away from Earth.

As with the previous still image we again have a corresponding view taken from a live TV broadcast. The timeline records it has having started just after midnight on the 19th, ending 25 minutes later on the 19th. Here’s a still from the broadcast, obtained from this youtube video, as well as a brief shot from a 16mm film (figure 4.2.10).

Figure 4.2.11: GAP scan of AS10-34-5026. AFJ source

Based on the terminator position, the estimated time of the Apollo image is 15:30. It is worth pointing out that the view of the Stellarium image is from the lunar surface (Apollo 11, to be precise). Apollo 10 was not yet near the lunar surface, hence the slight difference in the amount of Atlantic Ocean visible from the spacecraft. This difference in perspective will be examined in more detail later.

Figure shows the ESSA 9, ATS-3 and NIMBUS 3 satellite images from May 19th, ATS-3 has only partial coverage here, but has been included for the sake of completeness.

Figure 4.2.12a – ESSA-9 (top left upper and lower), ATS-3 (bottom left) & NIMBUS-3 IDCS (bottom right) images from 19/05/69 compared with AS10-34-5026 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator.

Below are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

Figure 4.2.13: Close up of Europe in Nimbus infra-red and AS1034-5026.

Yet again, superb correspondence despite the images being taken in completely different spectra.

The next photographs in this magazine repeat exposures of Africa, and there isn’t much point in repeating the analysis for very similar images. However it is worth demonstrating that they aren’t the same images, and that the terminator changes position over the course of them.

Two images that show this progression are AS10-34-5028 and 5031, and these are shown in sequence together with AS10-34-5026 in figure 4.2.14, zoomed only on the Earth part and compared with what Stellarium suggests for the time the image was taken.

Figure GAP scans of AS10-34-5041 (left) and AS10-35-5174 (right). Low quality versions here AIA and here AIA

Figure 4.2.24: GAP scan of AS10-35-5177. Low quality version here: AIA

Figure ESSA 9 (left upper and lower) and NIMBUS 3 (right) images compared with AS10-35-5177 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator. At the bottom are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

Stellarium sets the time at roughly 01:30 for this image, and shows the west coast of north America and Australia just in view. Close examination of the Earth shows that, beneath the thin cloud, the Americas are still there. Australia is more difficult to detect, but the bifurcated thin stream of cloud shown by the cyan arrow is off Australia's east coast at the point where it splits, and what appears to be a small fog bank off Sydney on the satellite photograph is just discernible on the very western edge of the globe.

The Earth, therefore, seems to be where it is supposed to be – a few hours ago the crew were describing north America and now it is only partially visible. Can the satellite timings match up with this suggestion? ATS is not available for this image as it doesn't cover anywhere visible. ESSA's image is still dated the 19th, but is now covering areas that were actually imaged on the 20th, and in this case the orbit that best approximates the line of the terminator is number 1032 (track 5, although in reality the terminator is probably between tracks 4 and 5), which commenced at 23:06.

The NIMBUS image used here is actually a hybrid of two day's passes. The 2 strips of images on the left of the NIMBUS part of figure are actually from the image dated the 20th, and the remainder are from the image dated the 19th.  The track best representing the terminator is number 475, which was commenced at 17:26 on the 19th. The extra amount of rotation brings an additional pass of the NIMBUS infra-red camera into play, and we can see a part of that pass (orbit 479) compared with the cloud band identified by the blue arrow in figure 4.2.25c.

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Figure 4.2.14: Crops of Earth from AS10-34-5026 (top left), AS10-34-5028 (top centre) and AS10-34-5031 (top right) compared with Stellarium estimates of time taken.

This set of photographs, then, is taken over a period of a couple of hours and shows an Earth very obviously rotating in a consistent manner so that we lose Africa and start gaining the Americas. We also have some discussion in the mission transcript that confirms what they are looking at. At 21:33 MET, or about 14:22 GMT we have a weather report from the Command Module Pilot:

021:33:10 Young: Roger. It's a European/African weather report. Portugal - Portugal is clear. Spain - Western Spain is clear, eastern Spain along the Med is under clouds. Italy - Italy is clear south of about Rome. Sicily - Sardinia and Corsica are under partly cloudy to cloudy skies. Greece is clear. Crete's clear. Turkey is under very scattered clouds. Bulgaria is clear with partially scattered clouds, but the rest of Europe is mostly under the clouds. There's a large part of the Soviet Union north of the Black Sea that's in the clear, but the rest of it appears to be under clouds, too. Arabia appears to be clear. Israel, clear. Jordan, clear. Libya and Egypt are clear except for a cloud strip along the center of the country in Saudi Arabia that runs from Saudi Arabia across the Sinai Peninsula and through Egypt. Africa is clear in the desert to the north and cloudy farther south. It's clear pretty much to the south except for the Cape where South Africa appears to be under the clouds. That's your morning weather report from about 100,000 miles.

And a moment later the Commander says that

021:34:17 Stafford: Okay; stand by. We want to get, a couple of pictures of Europe; we're in good position right now.

It obviously took them a while to get the photographs as they precede them by at least an hour, but what they describe (in particular the thin cloud across the Sinai peninsula shown by the yellow arrow) is undoubtedly accurate.

The next set of images taken by the crew shows north and south America again coming into view. The common denominator between this photograph and the previous one is the large swirl of cloud highlighted by the blue arrow in figure 4.2.12 in the top left of the Earth's disk, just touching the terminator. The picture in question is AS10-34-5034, which is shown below in figure 4.2.15.

Figure 4.2.15: GAP scan of AS10-34-5034. Low resolution source here: AFJ source

As before the Earth is visibly smaller, and the scene is dominated by a large polar cloud mass, and the remains of the large 'hammer' shaped formation picked out in figure by the green arrow. The large swirl is now on the terminator, which Stellarium estimates at around 19:30 on the 19th. The comparison with ATS, ESSA and NIMBUS data is shown in figure below.

Figure 4.2.16a: ESSA-9 (top left upper and lower), ATS-3 (bottom left) & NIMBUS 3 (bottom right) images from 19/05/69 compared with AS10-34-5034 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator.

Below are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

As before the Earth is visibly smaller, and the scene is dominated by a large polar cloud mass, and the remains of the large 'hammer' shaped formation picked out in figure 4.2.2 by the green arrow. The large swirl is now on the terminator, which Stellarium estimates at around 19:30 on the 19th.

The blue arrow in figure points to the same cloud system as the previous analysis, and it should be readily apparent that all three satellite images show the same weather systems as can be observed in the Apollo Earth. These systems are also described in detail by the crew during a TV broadcast made shortly after these photographs were taken. The blue arrow, for example, points to

027:03:02 Stafford: You've got a real weird cloud formation


027:03:46 Young: It's a real peculiar-looking cloud swirl. It comes off of what looks like Labrador and goes all the way across the ocean into Europe.

We also have a general description of the weather on view:

027:05:44 Stafford: …It looks like broken clouds over the southeastern part of the United States. Northeast has a little bit more. Looks like Canada is all socked over today, and over that big cap that goes up over the North Pole and over to Russia it's just solid overcast.

Which is pretty much exactly what is visible in the photograph.

Stellarium’s estimate of the time compares favourably with the ATS image time of just after 17:00. The NIMBUS pass that corresponds best with the terminator (number 472) would have started at 13:51 on the 19th. The ESSA pass nearest the terminator would have been track number 2, or orbit 1029, which commenced at 17:01 on the 19th.

We again have the higher resolution NIMBUS orbits to examine, as shown in figure 4.2.16b.

Figure 4.2.19: GAP scan of AS10-34-5036 (left, AFJ source) and AS10-34-5037 (AFJ source)

South America has now largely disappeared, but north America is still visible. Some weather systems evident in figure 4.2.16 have now passed beyond the terminator, and there are new ones over the Pacific. The polar cloud mass is still evident, as is the system that runs from the north Atlantic down to central America.

Figure shows a comparison of the satellite images of these weather patterns and the Apollo image, and the red, cyan, magenta and yellow arrows point to the same weather systems as in figure

Figure 4.2.20: ESSA 9 (top left upper and lower), ATS-3 (bottom left) & NIMBUS 3 (bottom right) images from 19/05/69 compared with AS10-34-5037 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator.

Below are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

Figure 4.2.22a: ESSA 9 (top left upper and lower), ATS-3 (bottom left) & NIMBUS 3 (bottom right) images from 19/05/69 compared with AS10-34-5041 and Stellarium estimate of time at terminator. Blue, red, green, yellow, cyan arrows are as figure 4.2.20. Below are 3D reconstructions using digitally recovered ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) data.

Stellarium suggests the picture was taken at about 23:30, as judged by the location of the terminator near the swathe of cloud cutting across central America. As only 45 minutes have elapsed between this one and the previous photograph examined most of the weather systems identified earlier can still be seen. The satellite timings are also little different, but it is worth while noting that the system picked out by the purple arrow was not imaged by the NIMBUS IDCS camera until 00:48 on the 20th.

We can get some confirmation of the time from the transcript. At 30:27, or around 23:17, Charlie Duke on Capcom tells them that they will be changing to Goldstone in California as their receiving station, and that is pretty much centre stage in the photo. Meanwhile Tom Stafford tells him that

030:34:07 Stafford: From our angle now, it looks like the whole northern quarter of the whole globe is completely socked in there; and, again, the United States is what really stands out and part of Mexico. We can see the Gulf Coast from here real well, right through the hatch window.

Once again we have good coverage of the image by NIMBUS-3’s infra-red camera, and this is shown in figure 4.2.22b.

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Figure 4.2.2b: Nimbus-3 infra-red orbital strips 461-464, with arrows identifying the same weather systems as those in figure 4.2.2a.

As these are higher resolution satellite images than the others it’s worth zooming in a little more closely. Figure 4.2.2c shows the systems identified by the blue and green arrows in the Apollo and infra-red images.

It should be pretty obvious that the view you are seeing there is exactly the same one shown in the still image.

Shortly after AS10-34-5013 was taken, we have AS10-34-5019 (figure 4.2.8).

Examination of the satellite photographs taken during the mission show the Apollo image can only have been taken on the 19th. The clouds visible over southern Spain and north Africa (magenta arrows) are much less developed on the 18th, and by the 20th had moved eastwards towards southern France. The very striking north Atlantic system is also poorly developed on the 18th and a completely different shape on the 20th.

The ESSA track data show that the satellite passed over Africa between 10:00 and 15:05 (tracks 11-13 and 1), again tying in nicely with the Apollo image. The ATS images were taken at 17:04 & 17:07 on the 19th. The NIMBUS path for the same area is orbit 470 and commenced at 08:10 – several hours before the Apollo image and the path ESSA & the later ATS took over that part of the globe. The more spectacular north Atlantic storm was imaged by NIMBUS at 12:19.

We again have the luxury of infra-red imagery for this view, and that is shown in figure 4.2.12b.

Figure 4.2.12b: NIMBUS-3 infra-red images taken on orbits 470-474.

As before we can see that there is an extremely good correspondence between the infra-red imagery and the Apollo view. To be even more certain we have a good match, let’s zoom in on the area around the UK (figure 4.2.13).

Figure 4.2.16b: NIMBUS-3 infra-red images from orbits 473-476. Arrows used match those in figure 4.2.10a.

As before the correspondence with the Apollo image is excellent, and it is worth pointing out that the start time of the final pass covering the area shown in the western limb of the Apollo photograph is 18:54 - a good half an hour before the image was taken, but that pass would not be complete before the photo was taken, and the data would certainly not be in NASA’s hands by 19:30. We again have a situation where an Apollo image has been taken before the satellite record that confirms its accuracy existed!

For a closer look at the high quality infra-red images, I’ve picked central America to examine - see figure 4.2.16c.

Figure 4.2.16c: NIMBUS-3 infra-red image from orbit 475 compared with AS10-34-5034

As before, the correspondence is excellent, and the only differences are easily accounted for by the time lapse between images (about 6 hours) and the different spectra of the photographs.

For our next subject we return to a TV broadcast, this time one made at 20:19 on May 19th. We know this partly from the mission timeline, and partly because it was stamped all over the CBS News broadcast on the day (see figure 4.2.17).

The weather systems are still obviously the same, although there are new systems appearing on the western limb as the Earth rotates, and the large spiral system has now disappeared over the terminator. As the same systems are in view, and they do not look the same on the 20th, they must still be from the 19th, and Stellarium puts the time at around 22:45 on that date. This compares with an estimate of 20:00 for 5036. We already know the time of the ATS-3 image, and all that remains is to confirm that the NIMBUS orbit most matching the terminator is pass 474, which commenced at 15:39, while ESSA's most representative track is number 3, or pass 1030, which commenced at 19:06. We’ll leave the infra-red versions from NIMBUS-3 for this photo, as there isn’t much difference between this and the previous one.

It’s worth noting that the crew draw attention to the Gulf coast being clear at around the time these photographs were taken (at 19:52 GMT to be precise), which it very evidently is.

The next images of Earth in the sequence taken on the outward bound leg of the mission are actually on two different magazines – one on magazine 34 and one on magazine 35. The best example of each image will be used whenever this occurs.

The two images, AS10-35-5174 and AS10-34-5041 (the latter part of a series of almost identical shots) are shown in figure 4.2.21. Stellarium estimates that only about 45 minutes have elapsed since the previous image. The analysis from AS10-34-5041 is shown in figure 4.2.22a.

Figure 4.2.22b: NIMBUS-3 infra-red passes 475-478. Colours used match those in figure 4.2.14a.

The correspondence between Apollo and the NIMBUS images is, as usual, extremely good, and to see how good it’s worth looking at the one taken last, orbit 479, which commenced just an hour before the Apollo image was taken (figure 4.2.22c).

Figure 4.2.22c: Segment of NIMBUS pass 479 compared with AS10-34-5041.

The match between the two is extremely close, particularly with the lighter clouds north of the equatorial band. That band appeared in an earlier image (figure and it’s worth going back and seeing the change in that feature over 24 hours.

Also available from the same time is a 16mm still taken using the DAC camera, and this is shown in figure 4.2.23.

Figure 4.2.25c: Section of NIMBUS infra-red orbit 470 compared with the same area of AS10-35-5177

Again, the correspondence between the two is excellent - almost as if Apollo 10 was photographing the weather from space! It’s interesting to note that while the bottom of the NIMBUS image identifies it as orbit 479, the top reports it as orbit 481. Orbit 478 is correctly identified top and bottom, but orbit 482 has a top label of orbit 786! Somewhere along the way the labelling has become confused! Orbit 482’s image (going by the bottom label) shows SE Asia, which is consistent with the numbering, and also shows the same weather patterns as can be found on the ESSA image from that day, so the top one seems to be in error.

The next image is discussed in part 2 of Apollo 10’s outward journey, continued here.

Figure 4.2.2c: Infra-red satellite images from NIMBUS-3 compared with weather systems shown on AS10-34-5013

Despite the satellite images showing the weather systems in the infra-red, the comparison between it and Apollo is superb, and there can be no doubt that they are showing the same systems.

It’s now worth comparing the full disk image with those partial disk ones shown in figure 4.2.0. Figure 4.2.2d shows the context of where those partial images fit with the full disk one and also how key elements of those images compare with the each other.

One link that does prove helpful is this one from the NASA Archive that is described as a screenshot from the Apollo live TV broadcast. This screenshot, the satellite images, and the Earth screenshot from the TV broadcast is examined in figure 4.2.4. Figure 4.2.5 shows the same TV screenshot compared with a photograph taken in Mission Control during the broadcast as well as the same view taken by the 16mm DAC camera (footage available here) and NIMBUS and ESSA 3D reconstructions.

Figure Comparison of TV broadcast screenshot, Post Crescent front page and ESSA & NIMBUS satellite images from May 18th 1969.

Figure Full (top right) and brightness adjusted crop (middle right) of Mission Control image compared with TV screenshot from Apollo 10 in its original orientation. Below these is a 16mm still taken at the same time, and finally 3D ESSA (left) and NIMBUS (right) reconstructions. Mission Control image source: NASA  

As with Apollo 8, it is worth remembering that this newspaper front page is from May the 19th, the day after launch, and therefore any photograph of Earth can only have been taken before that day. It is also interesting to note how well the Apollo mission is succeeding in distracting the media from the Vietnam war. The moon missions are often accused of being a deliberate distraction from Vietnam, but while Apollo 10 may have temporarily stolen the headlines, it is clear where the remainder of this paper's focus lies.

Looking at the NASA archive image, it also becomes obvious why it is difficult to place things on the newspaper front page: the Earth is upside down. In all Apollo photographs the terminator is always on the Eastern side when the globe is correctly oriented (in some broadcasts, the cameras were turned upside down to ‘correct’ the view for those at home).

ESSA's orbit covering the central part of the daylight image is orbit 1018 (track 4) at 20:02. NIMBUS' orbit is 462, started at 18:10 on the 18th. Those two satellite images show clear correspondence to weather patterns on the TV image that were unique to that day, especially the 3D reconstructions.

One issue that did frustrate the TV networks was the lack of live footage of the Earth. The very first colour TV was not of the home planet, but of a long slow motion docking manoeuvre, which must have been extremely useful for mission control, but less than fascinating to the average TV viewer. The battle between pro and anti-TV camps in the Apollo 10 crew and support teams is well documented, but Walter Cronkite's frustration with the broadcasts is evident at times. Cronkite, and his occasional co-host Arthur C Clarke, were aware of the technical difficulties and did discuss the orientation of the craft relative to the Earth, but they and the watching public wanted to see the home planet, not just hear the astronauts describe the view.

This particular broadcast was made between 21:55 and 22:08, during which the crew discuss what they can see with the ground. For example they describe the Eastern seaboard, the view of Baja California and Newfoundland, and the colours of New Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. Charlie Duke, acting as Capcom with Dick Gordon, tells them they are 26000 miles out, beyond the highest geostationary satellites.

An interesting variation on this photograph can be found on astronaut John Young’s website. It shows a photograph used on the front page of the Houston Post on May 20th 1969 of Gene Cernan’s wife holding a photograph taken of one of the TV broadcasts. It’s shown below in figure 4.2.6a.

Figure 4.2.6b: Original (left) and enhanced (right) views of Earth is shown in a photograph in the Houston Post, 20/05/69, and orignallyf or sale on Ebay by Historic Images (it’s now on its way to me).

Once you spot the ‘hammerhead’ shape (which is just visible on the unenhanced image) everything else falls into place, especially in the higher quality wire image.

Well, so what? This image is from the 20th, and the TV broadcast was on the 18th - plenty of time to fiddle things surely?

Not really. The likely sequence of events is that the Houston Post photograph the TV broadcast on the 18th. They then show the photograph they’ve taken to Mrs Cernan the following day. This event gets photographed and makes it into the newspaper the day after that - the 20th.

It shows once again that evidence can be found in the unlikeliest of circumstances, and that technology available to us today allows us to reveal new details of a photograph taken of a live TV broadcast. It helps to demonstrate that the photographs of Earth were contemporaneous with the Apollo missions, and not edited in later. They help prove we went to the moon.

Returning to the content of the broadcast, we have a long series of exchanges between the crew and Charlie Duke as Capcom describing the view.

005:07:07 Duke: Roger.

005:07:08 Stafford: See the Rocky Mountains sticking out? Baja California? Can't tell whether you have any smog in LA or not, but Alaska is pretty much socked in.

005:07:20 Duke: Roger.

005:07:25 Duke: It's really a beautiful picture.


005:08:10 Stafford: Okay. And it looks like the Rocky Mountains are orange colored to me. The rest of U.S., Baja California, that really stands out as all brownish, and the oceans are blue; but there are so many clouds out to the northeast of the United States, you can't believe it. Covers the Far East over to Europe as far as you can see.

005:08:26 Duke: Roger. We see all that. We've got a brownish spot that's pretty hard to pick out just exactly what we're looking at, but we do see the brown and the clouds out over the ocean about the center of the globe.

005:08:37 Stafford: Yes. Okay. The brown spot is the Rocky Mountains. It runs down around into New Mexico, up into Colorado.

We even have a close up zoom, which Duke says “has to be the greatest sight ever”. Figure 4.2.7 shows a compilation of screenshots from the maximum extent of this zoom along with a still from mission control taken during that sequence (from the film “Apollo 10 - to sort out the unknowns”).

Figure 4.2.7: Compilation of stills from live TV broadcast (left), along with a still from ‘Apollo 10 - to sort out the unknowns’ taken at maximum zoom. The view in the latter is rotated 90 degrees.

Figure 4.2.10: Still from Apollo 10 TV broadcast and a 16mm still from the same time.

As in the previous case, the live broadcast is an exact match for the still image, and again there are numerous descriptions of the view by the crew and the Capcom, this time Bruce McCandless.

007:12:33 Stafford: Roger. That's correct. Looks like a beautiful sight. And either you have clouds over the Sierra Nevada's or they're snowcaps at this time. I can't tell which from here. You can still see the San Joaquin Valley.

007:14:51 Stafford: Yes. They start up in the Northwest Territories of Canada and actually ring out to Alaska, and from there they go down just about to the Canadian - United States border and go on east. But the whole northwest Pacific, across northern Canada and over to Greenland is all obscured with just a solid white mass of clouds as you can see in your - near the North Pole.

007:15:48 McCandless: Roger, 10. Up in the vicinity of Alaska, we see a swirl. Does that look like a storm system or low pressure area to you?

07:15:55 Stafford: Yes. You've got a swirl out there right on the - off the coast of Alaska.

007:16:16 Stafford: How are the colors coming through down there, Bruce?

007:16:18 McCandless: Oh, the colors are coming through beautifully. The oceans are a beautiful blue-green. We can see the land masses in a brown to reddish-brown. The vicinity of the North Pole, the clouds and ice caps seems to be saturating a little; but on the whole, it's all coming through nicely.

007:16:38 Stafford: Okay. Good. And you can - The area right east of the Sierra Nevada's, now - I guess around the Rockies - as nighttime starts to spread over the United States, is becoming more of a purplish-red. You can see Texas, Oklahoma, and that area; it's becoming more of a purplish-red, and the rest of it is still a bright red - a bright red to brown.

007:16:59 McCandless: That's right. We can see the terminator quite clearly moving up from lower right-hand corner of our screen.

As usual, the descriptions they give are spot on.

Moving back to the Hasselblad photographs, the next image to be examined is AS10-34-5026. It has been chosen for no particular reason as it is not near any other images in the magazine, but it does show a considerable portion of Africa. As it was taken after AS10-34-5019, but before the images of the lunar surface, it must be before the 21st. The photograph is shown in figure 4.2.11.

Figure 4.2.17: Screenshot from a CBS news broadcast (Source).

For the purposes of our analysis, however, a still from this source for the broadcast is much clearer, and the satellite comparison is carried out in figure 4.2.18.

Figure 4.2.18: Still from TV broadcast made at 20:17 on May 19 1969 compared with ESSA (bottom left) and NIMBUS (bottom right) data, and a Stellarium depiction of the terminator at that time.

As far as satellite timings are concerned, the ESSA’s terminator track (1030) started at 19:06 on the 19th, whilst the NIMBUS one (473) started at 13:51.

While broadcasting the image to Earth the crew again described what they were seeing in great detail:

027:01:25 Stafford: It looks like the North Pole and most of Russia is covered with clouds. The United States is pretty much wide open. In fact, the solar subpoint is right over the Gulf of Mexico now

027:02:08 Stafford: Roger. What you see there - What you see there is a little bigger than we actually see it, since I have   the full zoom on it. If you look to the south, you can see all of South America there, and west of the Andes is clear.

027:02:23 McCandless: Roger.

027:02:28 Stafford: And in the tropical rain forest over Venezuela and Brazil and Columbia you can see the clouds that hang over there all the time. I noticed how clear it is west of the Andes.

027:03:02 Stafford: You've got a real weird cloud formation coming around down - just a minute. Let me get it focused.

027:03:46 Young: It's a real peculiar-looking cloud swirl. It comes off of what looks like Labrador and goes all the way across the ocean into Europe.

027:05:25 Stafford: Okay. Again, you can see Baja California coming in there just real clear, and the Rocky Mountains,    particularly starting into Mexico going up through Colorado and Wyoming, are coming in.

027:05:36 McCandless: Roger. I'm having a little difficulty picking out the landmasses down here today.

027:05:44 Stafford: That's because of cloud cover. It looks like broken clouds over the southeastern part of the United States. Northeast has a little bit more. Looks like Canada is all socked over today, and over that big cap that goes up over  the North Pole and over to Russia it's just solid overcast.

027:06:04 McCandless: Roger. We can pick up part of South America. Must be the Andes, just above or just to the west of the terminator down in the southern portion of the globe.

027:06:14 Cernan: Bruce, you should see all of North and South America from where you are. We're going to zoom it in again here. Show you a little bit closer.

As usual their descriptions exactly match what we can see.

The next still image showing any significant degree of rotation is AS10-34-5037. This is shown below in figure 4.2.19 together with AS10-34-5036, which was both numerically and physically very obviously taken at some point in between the this photograph and 5034.

Figure 4.2.23: 16mm still showing the same view of Earth seen in figure 4.2.22

A little while later, we have an image from magazine 35 that shows a more significant degree of rotation, and therefore brings new weather systems into view. Figure shows AS10-35-5177. Figure 4.2.24b shows the satellite comparison.

The high resolution version from John young’s website doesn’t seem show much detail on that image of Earth- or does it?

Figure below shows the photograph of Earth held by Mrs Cernan enlarged (left), and on the right after noise reduction and level enhancement, then rotated to orient the north pole correctly.  Also shown is an eBay copy of an item currently for sale, which shows the scene in greater detail. The arrows used are the same colours as used in figure 4.2.4.

As can be seen in the images, it’s obvious that the full disk image was taken from a vantage point much further out that the ones taken just after TLI, and it’s also obvious that there have been subtle changes in the weather systems on view in the few hours between TLI and the full disk one. These are not cut and paste identical images, they are taken from different vantage points at different times of an evolving meteorology.

The Stellarium estimate of 22:00 is easy to verify thanks to images taken at the same time in what a landmark moment: the first live colour TV broadcast of Earth from space. The mission timeline puts the broadcast at between 21:55 and 22:08 on the 18th, and the transcript of the broadcast can be found here. You can find the actual TV broadcast in this video.

As with Apollo 8, Apollo 10 was well reported in the press and CBS gave the mission large amounts of air time, including the broadcasts from the CSM itself. Most newspapers merely reported the event, or did mock ups of various stages of the mission, but some did present images from the live TV broadcasts on their front pages.

There are reproductions of these front pages available on the internet, but for the most part quality is poor. One relatively decent image can be seen from a local Wisconsin based newspaper, the Post-Crescent, available as a link from this web page at Newspaper Archive and reproduced in figure 4.2.3. The quality is not perfect, and it is simply described as the western hemisphere in the text, so it is initially difficult to identify where the weather systems are in terms of the satellite images featured so far. The wire photo shown with it however, is much clearer, and is also clearly dated - showing a time on the reverse of 20:09 18/05/69 (01:09 on 19/05/69 GMT). Also included is a still from a 1969 film, which shows the front page of the UK Times newspaper on the same date.

Figure 4.2.0 - AS10-34-5009 (left) and AS10-34-5010 (right)

Although there aren’t many clues to timing in the first image, the second one does show clear signs of debris from the separation process, and so must have been taken at around 19:52 on the 18th. The AFJ shows separation to have occurred above a point just south of Hawaii and as will be seen this is borne out by the view we see from the departing craft. The image on the right shows the west coast of the USA.

The first full disk image of Earth is AS10-34-5013 (figure 4.2.1). This image can be seen after an image of the SIV-B after the CM has separated from it. The timeline shows that this separation occurred at 19:51 on May 18th. AS10-34-5013 must therefore have been taken after this time.

Figure 4.2.2d: Sections of AS10-34-5009 and 5010 compared with AS10-34-5013.

Figure 4.2.3: The Post Crescent headline from May 18th 1969 compared with my personal copy of an Associated Press Wire image from the Baltimore Sun and the front page of The Times, as shown at 12:09 minutes in this film. Reverse side shows the time and date received as 20:09 18/05/69 local time. The newspaper version is upside down.

Figure 4.2.6a: Houston Post dated 20/05/69 showing Mrs Cernan holding a photograph of the previous day’s TV broadcast. Source.