Useful Links

The links below are either directly related to the Satellite meteorology research presented earlier, or are just downright brilliant.

Apollo Flight Journal - Resources relating to the non-landing Apollo missions

Apollo Lunar Surface Journal - Resources relating to the lunar landings

Apollo Image Atlas - Apollo mission photographs, plus links to other lunar resources

Apollo 17 EVA maps - Maps and panoramic photographs of Apollo 17’s EVAs

Apollo Over the Moon - Contemporary look at Apollo lunar images taken from lunar orbit

ATS image collection - University of Wisconsin site related to the ATS satellite

Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth - what it says. Not restricted to Apollo missions

TIROS 50th anniversary - resources made available as part of the 50th anniversary commemorations of the TIROS satellite

Hathi Trust - searchable document archive

NASA technical reports server - searchable archive of NASA documents

Moonviews - Lunar Orbiter image recovery project website, with links to other lunar resources

First men on the moon - outstanding recreation of the landing featuring cockpit and mission control communications as well as cockpit video. Superb.

Mental Landscape - Soviet lunar probe photographs of the Moon

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Photographs & resources from the LRO

LRO Quick Map - Zoom and pan a lunar map based on LRO imagery

How Apollo explored the Moon and How Apollo flew to the Moon - Interviews with David Woods of the ALSJ on the excellent science blog Omega Tau

Project Apollo Archive - Images and other resources relating to Apollo

Tracking Apollo by telescope - amateur ground based observations of Apollo missions

Honeysuckle Creek - Resources from one of the Australian links in the Apollo chain

Sven’s Space Place - Wide range of satellite and space history resources

The Space Place - Apollo & other space mission Youtube channel

Spaceflight News - Massive and totally brilliant collection of Apollo related news broadcasts. Search his site.

Gone to Plaid - Lots of Apollo resources, but a great collection of LRO images of the Apollo landing sites

LPI Library - Lunar & Planetary Institute searchable library

Retro Space Images - Commercial site for vintage space race photographs. Has a link to their excellent facebook page, which posts images regularly.

Clavius - Site aimed at giving Apollo deniers a thorough debunking

Apollohoax - Forum for debunking morons who think Apollo was faked

Bad Astronomy - Phil Plait debunks the idiots

Space Lectures - Astronauts are regular visitors to a West Yorkshire School - grab your chance to see one

Collect Space - Buying & selling space memorabilia, with a more general space interest forum and links to resources

American Meteorological Society - Online journal search, source of many satellite images

National Reconnaissance Office  - Contains documents covering military satellite operations

Sphotographic tecnhiques- NASA document on photography

Sterile Eye - good introduction to Apollo photography

Accessing Apollo Images - article on how Apollo metric, panoramic and surface camera images are being processed

Apollo Receiving Lab - The development and role of the area that processed lunar samples.

Apollo Photography - Another good intro to Apollo photography

Apollo Cameras - Good technical examination of Apollo cameras.

CATM Index Apollo Index