A miscellany of bits and pieces debunking tired old crap and utter stupidity.
An April Fool’s joke got posted claiming alien what-
A Lunar Orbiter photograph from 1967 is claimed to show a road and a UFO parked in a crater. It’s bollocks.
UFO nuts think NASA is hiding alien bases in Zeeman crater. They’re idiots.
Syfy channel’s “Aliens on the moon: the truth exposed’ has more bullshit than a field full of beef cattle. Read why here.
Alex Collier claims alien space beings told him sooper seekrit stuff, like “there’s a hole in the north pole and a NASA photo proves it”. My alien contacts tell me he’s full of it.
Hoax nuts love the story that Apollo astronauts gave a fake moon rock to a Dutch dignitary. Unfortunately for them it’s just not true.
They’re everywhere. The stupid. Some of them walk among us, but the rest stay inside making up shite to put on the internet. The rest of this page is for one-
This idiot a) thinks this is an Apollo astronaut’s description. It isn’t, as he should know because he got it here and b) doesn’t know that Starry Night is a piece of astronomy software.
The description’s wrong, it was actually taken some time after LOI, as detailed here.
He compounds his error later by saying this:
“ in a later interview, Neil Armstrong said, "we couldn't see any stars from cis-
Nope. He never said that.
The same user (who claims to work for the CNSA but really doesn’t) claims to have worked out that the sun angles for Apollo, and says Apollo 12’s is all wrong.
Well, he had no need to work out, they’re all here.
Apollo 12 may have had a sun elevation of 18.6 degrees when they left for home, but when that photo was taken during EVA-
This one gets posted a lot, so it’s not fair to pick on one individual loser for posting it without doing the tiniest amount of research.
The pattern is made by the overshoe, worn over the suit. This page does a thorough debunk of it.
A video claims there is a death bed confession of Apollo 11’s staging. One problem: it’s a lie.
Low Hanging Fruit
Another example of an actual lie that gets thrown around a lot.
Both of the alleged ‘before’ photographs are actually post-
Hoaxtards usually miss out the happy shots from the conference, like the one below.
Michael James Myers thinks the Apollo 11 flag was deployed too soon.
He claims, here, that you can see it reflected in the LM window before it was deployed live on TV to an audience of most of the planet with access to a TV.
Two small problems. One, its not the flag -
Below left is the LM interior showing the LPD on the left (CDR) window as we look at it. It does not appear on the right window. The card hanging down is clearly in line with the window.
Below centre is a view of the flag and LM as well as the window in question. The flag is not visible from that window. All photographs of the flag from inside the LM are taken from the other (LMP) window. Below right is the flag, notice the window we need to see is not visible at all.
It’s not the flag.
Michael James Myers again, this time with an issue over this photo. He thinks its too dark, when all the other photographs are lighter.
Leaving aside the fact that several other photos are also dark, if only there was some way of, oh I don’t know -
So, as is clearly documented, 1/250 was the standard exposure, the ladder shots were longer exposure.
The reason it’s dark is because the photographer is standing completely in the shade, and hasn’t used the correct setting.
It proves nothing other than his lack of knowledge about basic photography and the mission records.
This bright spark has been hard at work looking at LRO images of Earth.
Look, he says, evidence of Photoshop!! He uploaded this file to here. Let’s have a look at that image.
Last time I looked through a telescope there weren’t any labels. Can you think how those labels might have got there? Can you? If only there was some sort of software that would do it…
The fact is that India and China have imaged Apollo 14’s site and found evidence of human activity. The fact is that you can download the raw LRO files and look at them yourself. You might need Photoshop to look at them though.
The Nasascam & Truth Party websites are full of absolute garbage trying to prove the landings were hoaxed. This is an unfinished work in progress debunking that garbage.
Expat Taffy thinks he’s brilliant. He’s not. He’s a deluded idiot who sees things that aren’t there. This is an unfinished page looking at some of his stupid. There’s just too much of it to finish.
Our favourite fake pretend scientist is at it again, this time making a number of claims about the stations used to track Apollo.
He’s absolutely right about the MSFN and DSN, they were actually a thing and did good work. He’s also correct about the Soviet equivalent. The ESA one, not so much. The ESA, and its ESTRACK network, wasn’t founded until 1975. It’s predecessor the European Space Research Organisation was founded in 1964, and did launch some some satellites, but nothing that would have been any use to Apollo.
The claim that they were all in cahoots, particularly an organisation that didn’t exist, is just a fantasy he needs to prop his delusion.
Then there’s the idea that they were top secret facilities manned by the military.
Nope, wrong again. Some stations did have military personnel, but many were manned by a variety of civilian contract staff. This National Geographic edition describes how:
“"travelling teachers, a chaplain, even an island hopping barber"
would service the stations, along with employees of companies like Bendix, Boeing and RCA.
This article by a self-
and himself as:
“Fresh out of school and possessing a near-
Certainly not a member of the military. You can look at Tananarive here to see how very military it isn’t.
This Spanish tracking station director talks about being the
“interface between the NASA station management and the local Spanish contractor employees”
and describes himself as a “contractor”. Again, no mention of the military.
Likewise the staff at Australia’s tracking stations at Honeysuckle Creek, made famous in the film ‘The Dish’.
Yes, NASA used the military, why wouldn’t it? The tracking stations of many countries were, however, run by civilian agencies just like NASA, and were not top secret or off limits to non-
The poster in question needs this secret military network to exist in order to prop up his fantasy. The reality is that the signals from Apollo spacecraft came from the moon, not orbiting craft that would have required a constant handover to the next station. Far from being “in on the hoax”, the staff at these stations were immensely proud of being involved, like Don Kovalchik:
“I cherished my role; I'd helped NASA maneuver satellites, talk to astronauts, and retrieve untold gigabytes of scientific data.”
Or Valeriano Claros-
“the astronauts were just getting ready to exit the lunar lander when I finished [my shift], so there was no way I was going home”
Another combination of poor research and delusional fantasy colliding to try and re-
Click here to look at some of my tracking station memorabilia.
A particularly dumb facebook group (Nasa Hoax) hosts a wide variety of window licking retards, and one of them posted this gem of a video, also available on tiktok.
It claims to be “leaked” Apollo 11 footage. Leaked? Sure, if broadcasting it live on TV and having it all over the newspapers counts.
It also claims to show flat Earth, when in fact (as we can see on this page) it shows nothing of the sort, it shows part of a live broadcast featuring a hurricane on a globe Earth. The only flat thing about it is the flat out lie it’s telling.
Why are they doing this? Hmm…let’s have a look at the website it’s supposedly from.
These people don’t want you to know the truth, they want you to pay for their lies.
There’s a video that crops up from time to time purportedly showing Stanley Kubrick on the Apollo landing set. IT doesn’t, and it looks like the joke’s on landing deniers.
This bright spark thinks the flag has a shadow going in the opposite direction to Aldrin’s. For some reason he thinks the big chunky shadow heading from hear the base of the flag to the left of the photo is the thin flag pole.
If only he’d checked other photos available to him, like this one showing the solar wind collector, and the flag shadow. Or if he’d zoomed in to find the actual flagpole shadow.
“Willis Butts”, admin of a particularly stupid facebook group and owner of the “truth Party” website (oh the irony of that name) is a flat Earth science denying moron.
He thinks the people who like his posts are morons too, or he wouldn’t post crap like this.
None of these photographs are at Langley.
The top one is part of the “Making of…” footage of the film ‘First Man’.
Bottom left is Wernher von Braun, photographed on an exhibit at the Atlanta State Fair in September 1969. See here for a press photo of the event.
The other two are both taken from the film ‘Moonwalkers’, made in 2016. See here for more debunking of that kind of thing.
To be fair, it’s a reasonable question. To be unfair, no source is given for who claimed it was taken by the Artemis 1 mission, but had he done some research he’d have discovered it’s actually an Apollo 17 image. The veracity of that image is proven here.
So the reason it looks like an Apollo image isn’t to fake Artemis, it’s because it’s an Apollo image, taken decades before any kind of CGI was capable of producing it.
As for the lack of dark shadows on the lunar surface, the crescent Earth should tell you that the sun is shining directly on to the surface we’re looking at.
That crescent isn’t from the moon’s shadow, idiot, it’s from the sun 93 million miles way.
This contributor to the ‘The Moon-
Is Neelam being dumb or dishonest? Or both?
Firstly, the Soviet missions are not overlooked -
Secondly, Pioneer and Ranger were not soft landing missions. Their entire aim was to hit the moon hard. The Surveyor programme was a soft-
Finally there’s the third ‘fact’ -
Something else they could have discovered with a little work is that the sample returns did not rendezvous in lunar orbit with another craft -
The USSR demonstrated many times that travelling to (and back from) the moon, including with live cargo, was perfectly possible -
It’s difficult to tell sometimes whether Willis Butts, aka Frank Goodman (see also this page) is genuinely this stupid, deliberately deceptive, or enjoys making his sycophants at his NASA Hoax facebook group look like drooling slack-
In this really piss poor meme, he claims that there is no camera visible, and you never see Aldrin’s leg extended in the footage.
As you can see on the left below, however, the TV camera is right there, on the MESA, from where it filmed both astronauts as they descended.
If he’d bothered to watch that TV footage, like this footage here, he’d notice (at just after the 21 minute mark) the ghostly figure of Aldrin’s boot swing out and back again. Armstrong is in the distance, photographing the scene.
In another classic own goal, Goodman posts this image as proof that Apollo 11 was faked.
Except this is a still from the behind the scenes footage from the making of ‘First Man’.
The ‘Papier Mache’ is no such thing, it’s actual landscape from the location of the Armstrong biopic’s film set, Vulcan Quarry in Stockbridge Atlanta. It was edited out of the film, because Tranquility Base looked nothing like that.
Again, Frank has to know just how much of a lie he’s telling here. His meme claims that Aldrin couldn’t have taken this photo, because his camera was chest mounted. They could be chest mounted, but they could also be detached, as can seen in the 16mm footage of the exact moment the footprint photo was taken (left of frame).
As for the image he uses, it was actually taken in a studio, because it’s a still from ‘First Man’, not the actual photo. He must know that.
This Apollo 11/12 earthrise meme is doing the rounds, promoted by people who are too stupid and/or lazy to double check their facts before making themselves look dumb.
This idiot doubles down on the stupid by adding some extra. Firstly, the reason the clouds in the Apollo 11 and ‘12’ images are the same is because they are both Apollo 11 (AS11-
Secondly, Apollo 9 never went anywhere near the moon -
Thirdly, there is no Apollo 13 image there, but there is an Apollo 10 Earthrise (bottom left, AS10-
Finally, photoshop did not exist when these photos were taken.
If you’ve paid any attention to this website at all will know that every image of Earth can be verified by looking at the weather satellite images taken on the same day. They aren’t fake, they aren’t photoshopped.
The only people telling lies here are the moon hoax believers.
Aww look, it’s everyone’s favourite canteen cleaner in China again.
First off, he fails to disclose the actual causes of failure of the probes he mentions. India’s Vikram probe failed after its braking thrusters malfunctioned 4.5 miles up. Israel’s Beresheet suffered multiple malfunctions, not least of which was the engine shutting down thanks to the way they chose to fix other errors. Japan’s privately funded Hakuto lander ran out of fuel. None of these have anything to do with dust or exhaust plumes.
As for his claim that Apollo’s landers didn’t create any exhaust plumes oir kick up dust during landing, well firstly, he has no idea about the plumes as they weren’t filmed. It matters not, you don’t need a rocket to produce a visible flame in order for it to work.
Secondly, maybe he missed the famous “picking up a little dust” comment during Apollo 11’s landing, or the videos taken by 16mm cameras of the other missions that clearly show exactly that: dust being sent off in a way that couldn’t be done on Earth. The videos below show the landing footage for all Apollo missions, all showing streams of dust being blown horizontally by the engine exhaust that he claims isn’t there.
As for blast craters, it’s a common obsession with hoaxnuts. They don’t get that if it was firing hard enough to gouge out a huge hole, the descent engine would just fire the LM back into space. All the missions show discoloured, denuded surfaces immediately below the engine bell.
It’s kind of ironic that a Chinese lander is illustrating his post, because the landing footage from those landers (also given below) shows dust behaving exactly as it does in the Apollo footage, shows no visible exhaust and no blast craters.
One of the most consistently stupid questions asked, after “where are the stars?” is “how did they fit the rover inside the lunar module?”.
The answer, to anyone who cares to do a fraction of a tiny amount of checking is “they didn’t, you fucking idiot”.
The rover was folded up and stored in an empty quadrant during flight.
Everyone’s favourite cleaner steps in with an answer, clearly trying present himself as an expert in the subject, but merely ends up showing that he knows absolutely nothing and is just winging it. Because he sounds convincing, people believe him.
He claims that there is a door that opens and turns into a ramp.
This video, and the diagrams from historical documents freely available to anyone who cares to check, show that what he thinks is a ‘door’ is the base of the rover. There is no ramp. The rover is pulled from its storage location, the wheels pop out on springs and the whole assembly is lowered to the ground. It’s then driven away to have its other components fitted.
In a later reply, he acknowledges the dust plumes created by China’s lander, but it’s not quite the dust storm he imagines. While that article quotes scientists as saying
“LADEE also has the potential to measure dust that might be lofted above the lunar surface by the Chang'e 3 touchdown”
And that China’s probe might consequently have an impact on LADEE’s results, reports after the event found that
“Surprisingly, the LADEE science teams' preliminary evaluation of the data has not revealed any effects that can be attributed to Chang'e 3”
Oops. Again.
Here’s another regular on the Moon Landing Hoax group that likes to sound as if she knows what she’s talking about, but really doesn’t. In this example we have a photo from this report showing photographs taken by the Surveyor 3 probe. Because it doesn’t look like the photos taken by Apollo 12, Apollo 12 didn’t go. Simple, right?
Neelam is either very careful about her image selection, or isn’t familiar with the contents of mag 48. As it turns out, she’s just parroting claims made elsewhere without checking.
If she’d looked beyond AS12-
A key part missing from the photo is the bit in the report that says it’s a 13m wide crater. That same crater is described later as being on the north-
These two photos are looking to the north west, so are there any looking in the right direction? Yes. Quite a few, like AS12-
Oh dear. It’s an exact match, right down to the smallest rock. On the horizon you can make out the same three rocks. In the foreground the brightly lit pointed rock can be seen on the left side of the Reseau cross. The angular rocks immediately behind the pointed one, and the line of rocks on the left are also easy to make out. Once you get your bearings it’s easy to navigate your way round the image and pick out identical features.
Having found a photo with all the rocks in, it’s a little strange that it’s a cropped version of AS12-
Odd that. Almost as if it was done on purpose…
Despite the protestations of the page admin, however, it’s very very clear proof that both photographs were taken on the moon, and that once again a lack of knowledge about the images, unwillingness to double check whether their claims are stupid or not, and not seeing the downright dishonesty in image editing, have been exposed very quickly.
Here’s another claim being made about Surveyor, this time about the distribution of lunar soil on the footpad photographed by Apollo.
In case it isn’t clear from the screenshots, the claim is that there is far too much soil on the footpad in the Apollo picture compared with Surveyor’s own.
Even allowing for the slightly biased way he’s drawn his lines, it’s obviously true. So, how come?
The key, as is often the case, is incomplete knowledge and research.
The photograph he’s used was taken on Day 110 of Surveyor’s mission, and the photo can be seen on page 151 of this report. From day 118 onwards, however, we have photographs in the report showing that more dirt had been deposited, and partially removed, from the footpad (see below).
If we zoom in to a detailed version of the Apollo photo (right) and image 141, we can even identify individual lumps of the soil. It’s a clear match.
Again we have someone who has looked no further than a photograph that confirms their bias in reaching their conclusion, rather than investigating whether there are better explanations for what they see other than “a stage hand messed up”.
Update: Fair play to Neelam, she’s now acknowledged her error. The original picture in her post has been replaced (but not with the full version of the original one posted).
There’s no retraction of the original claim though, which is a pity.
Neelam makes another contribution to facebook with the post on the right here.
It’s referencing claims by fascist warmonger Putin’s space puppet that he hadn’t seen any conclusive evidence of Apollo. He’s full of shitski, but she takes offence at Twitter’s fact-
She has, apparently, looked really really hard at the Apollo 15 photos and hasn’t managed to find any discolouration..
There’s a reason for this -
Here are two papers, one from JAXA, the other about Chandrayaan-
Disappointed in not seeing any halo in surface images, she shows a picture taken by the USSR’s Lunokhod-
She doesn’t give a source for it, but it’s from this.
Nowhere in that paper does it claim regolith disturbance by the Soviet lander (just the rover). Nowhere does it mention a blast crater or discolouration. She’s making that assumption herself using a low resolution TV image.
The paper does make several references to Apollo though, almost as if the authors are happy that it happened.
It’s also arguably not the best quality version of that photo -
Notice the lack of dust in the footpad. Notice the obvious presence of loose material on the surface close to the engine. Just like in Apollo photos.
There is a small crater, but there’s no way to tell if it’s directly under the engine bell or if it was there before. Claiming there is no LM there because there is no halo visible on the ground, but there is an unmanned vehicle there because she thinks she can see one in a TV image is a non-
There are also many photos taken of scorched ground under LM engines, but the proximity of this one to the ground, the relatively bright conditions when their photos of the bell were taken, and the fact that they shut the engine off further up than most missions means you are less likely to see them close up.
Her spin on Rogozin’s claims is also a little dishonest -
So much to pick over here. First of all, Graham’s appeal to his own authority doesn’t work when he has no apparent expertise in photography. He’s wrong about the Reseau crosses, they were not imposed after they were taken, they were part of the film magazines of cameras used on the surface.
Far from being of poor quality, there are many superb photographs taken with one of the best cameras -
China’s favourite adopted son may have ‘looked into the issue a bit’, but he hasn’t learned anything. NASA didn’t up load new images in 2010, nor were they photoshopped. The Project Apollo Flickr archive has nothing to do with NASA.
No cross hairs were added, removed or augmented in any way, what you see is entirely a product of the way light has interacted with the film.
The entire Apollo photograph archive has been available for decades, there is no difference between any images published in terms of their content.
Quality? Sure, depends on the source, but nothing in the photographs is any different. Prove me wrong.
This poster’s response to some Apollo 16 photographs (with no explanation other than a cryptic reference to Dmitry Rozogin) shows the usual lack of knowledge about Apollo and it’s equipment.
Firstly, as is pointed out to him, there is direct reference to the damage -
177:12:20 Irwin: Okay. John, looking at the pictures of the liftoff, it appeared that something might have come loose -
177:16:47 Mattingly: Some of the stuff is torn -
As usual a lack of actual research lets someone down. Instead of admitting that, they double down on it which brings us to…
Secondly, the LM is shortly to be docked, unloaded and discarded, it’s work is pretty much done -
Another one from everyone’s favourite pretend space worker. This time he’s showing his ignorance on yet another area of the missions.
He’s deriding a post criticising one of his supposed ‘12 smoking guns’ (below right), a piece of Apollo 15 footage from the LRV deployment.
First off, there’s no suggestion anywhere that the astronaut is tethered in any way -
His main error here, however, is his dismissal of the idea that tethers were ever used.
Thanks to diligent research and looking into actual facts, it is well known that Armstrong was tethered to the lunar module as he made his first step. The tether in question was the Lunar Equipment Conveyor, the line used to transfer things to and form the lunar surface, but which was initially used to keep Armstrong attached just in case something went terribly wrong.
It can be made out in TV footage and is even shown in training photos.
There’s a lot of nonsense spouted about a rock with letter on it. This page has a look at it in more detail.
He’s back, and this time he’s claiming that the figure standing at the rear of the rover in these 4 photos at station 1 on Apollo 17’s first EVA is a dummy, and that it doesn’t move at all, not one single bit, in this panorama taken by Jack Schmitt. He acknowledges that there are differences, but it can only possibly be due to camera movement, not astronaut.
Well, if that’s the case, if we get Photoshop to align the 4 photos, there should be a consistent movement with everything else, right?
Seems not!
Pay particular attention to what’s visible in the visor -
He is, quite simply, seeing what he wants to see, not what’s actually there.
I’m not sure what’s more depressing -
Yes, Apollo 17 launched at night, but you do know the Earth revolves, right?
Just the slightest examination fo the trajectory and an understanding of how the world works should have prevented this stupidity from happening.
Rasa is fond of citing Lunokhod as an example of how retroreflectors can be on the moon, claiming that they are an example of how they can be ‘placed’ there (somehow ignoring the fact the the mirrors are built into the Soviet rover and that their exact location was a mystery for years until they were found again by the LRO). That’s not what this post is about though -
They aren’t stars, they’re faults in the image. If they’re stars, you’d have no problem making the constellations out, and you wouldn’t also see them all over the lunar surface, and the rover’s landing vehicle (see left).
He’s also a little confused about the rover’s structure.
The “strange-
The shape to which he’s referring is part of the rover, but isn’t the solar array (that was out of shot) -
Finally, it’s not from a digital camera -
As always, his posts sound good to people who have no idea what he’s talking about. Sadly, neither does he.
Oh hey look, it’s 脚放在嘴里(or ‘foot in mouth’), yet again.
There’s a couple of things in this post that need addressing.
Firstly, the panels are not held on with Velcro. I have found one reference to that being the case other than the comment on that image, and it’s here. Note it’s not a NASA page, it’s a forum for space enthusiasts. Weirdly, the exact words used in that thread appear on that image, but that image is not used in the forum post (which, tellingly, he does not reference). He made it himself.
The panels were actually secured by rivets and were attached when inside the Saturn V stack at the last minute to allow people to work on the LM. The rivets on the obviously damaged LM panel are clearly visible (see below). The only conceivable use of Velcro here would be to attach the panels in a confined workspace before the rivets were used. The pattern of the damage itself reflects the positions of the rivets.
Secondly, this is very obviously not an ‘official’ response, as foot in mouth well knows. It’s something he does all the time -
NASA do not dignify hoax claims with responses. They have better things to do with their time than pacify morons, and do not need to arrange their activities to appease ill-
This respondent to a facebook post thinks there’s something fishy about the lunar module descent stage photographed by Chandrayaan-
All he had to do was to find some stills of the TV footage taken after the ascent module returned to orbit and he’d have known what the ‘antennae’ were: RCS plume deflectors.
He could even have done some amateur photoshopping himself and compressed the elongated shadow to prove that the antennae are simply part of the remaining descent stage structure, like this on the right.
Naturally old foot in mouth weighs in with his view, shown on the right. He doubles down on it in a later post (see below).
I’m going to make this simple Rasa: this version of events is a lie.
You made it up. It’s false. It’s a complete fabrication and you know it, and you have no more evidence of this being true than you have of working for the CNSA. You’re a liar and a deluded fantasist conning your sycophants into believing you’re some kind of insider whistleblowing authority. You’re nothing of the sort.
Here’s the actual sequence of events: India released (for want of a better word) low resolution images of Apollo 11 and 12 in a web presentation in June 2021, and again for Apollo 11 in a different web presentation in September 2021. In early 2022 the high resolution versions of the landing sites were simultaneously released (without any kind of fanfare) on the Chandrayaan-
I know for a fact they were released simultaneously because I check there for new files daily. As a result, I was one of the first people to download and process those images and get them out publicly.
The XML data for the raw files show very clearly that the files were made at the same time for the website from original images taken three days apart.
It’s a little weird that the Apollo 12 image, complete with labelled footprints and equipment labels, was available at the same time as the Apollo 11 one in June, which completely contradicts Rasa’s version of events. Almost as if he’s completely and utterly wrong about everything.
Jarrah White makes lots of insinuations that these files were downloaded via NASA facilities, but he has no proof of it. Can we be certain? Why yes, yes we can.
The filenames here end in ‘D18’. If we look at the user guide for OHRC products, we see the key shown on the left. D18 is India’s DSN facility in Bangalore.
In fact, of the 94 OHRC files (47 pairs of raw and calibrated data), none went through the USA. Of 10202 (to date) lower resolution TMC files, 224 of them went via NASA, with each photographic target having between 2 and 6 raw and calibrated images. 40 TMC files went via Canberra.
So no, these two files were not routed through NASA, very few them were. Even if they were, there is absolutely no proof that they modified the files in any way, or encouraged India to do so. It’s desperate, dishonest straw-
Here are the two presentations compared -
Myers Mistake
Well this post didn’t last long, probably because even his own coterie of true believers were quick to point out how wrong his interpretation was.
The yellow arrow pointing horizontally across is just wrong -
Studio lights close to the photographer would produce divergent, not convergent shadows. Multiple lights would produce multiple shadows. The convergent lines are simply a product of perspective and camera lens.
His interpretation is at best a misunderstanding, at worst dishonest. Deleting the post is just downright cowardly.
It’s almost a shame to post this, given that he’s trying to debunk the myth that you can’t make a clear boot print in lunar regolith, but he’s right for the wrong reasons entirely.
The reason you can compress a footprint in lunar soil has nothing to do with hydrogen and oxygen atoms making it ‘clumpy’. It has everything to do with the jagged, uneroded nature of the particles making them lock together, just like fresh volcanic soil. Additionally, there is nothing in the interstitial spaces in the regolith -
The only possible ‘clumping’ he’s talking about would be from electrostatic charges, but that has nothing to do with how the regolith behaves under compression, and gas atoms and molecules are not going to be hanging around in there anyway.
Just bear that in mind the next time you hear him claiming he majored in astrophysics from the University of Oregon.
This meme appeared on their favourite facebook page, and as usual they seize on it like it’s a big “Gotcha” moment -
None of them, however, come up with the actual explanation: both photographs have been processed to death.
Here are the originals, AS11-
Not as big a difference now eh?
As usual, hoaxtards seek out the worst possible examples of a specific image that confirms their bias and don’t bother checking whether there are better ones out there.
The fact is, NASA don’t come up with any excuses or explanations for this-
It’s simple physics. Light is reflected. You can see things not in direct sunlight on the moon just like you can on Earth -
Conspiraloons have spotted a number on the moon during a live TV broadcast. Or have they?
Jay here has questions about these rocks -
Is he right?
Well. He’s right, they are different rocks, but not because it’s a composite or anything -
Notice what we can see of the LM: we’re looking at completely different sides of it. The rock in the picture on the left is waaaay over yonder to the right, off camera, in the other photo.
All you had to do was look at the photo properly, with eyes prepared to see, and you would have seen the answer to your question immediately.
Ironically, he even posted a panorama to ‘prove’ that they were the same rock, blissfully unaware that both rocks were in it in different locations. Here’s my version of that pan, with the two sets of split rocks circled.
Subsequent posts of his show that he’s got fixated on the tall, and very obviously portable object, which is the ALSCC, or Apollo Lunar Surface Close-
Seems Jay is also troubled by the way reflections behave. Let’s look at the two images full size to see if there’s a sensible explanation.
The seismic experiment didn’t “turn black”, it’s just reflective.
Anyone who knows how mirrors work knows that what you see in a reflection depends on the viewing angle, and in the two photographs the viewing angle is very different. On the left, the ground immediately in front of the experiment is in deep shadow (not to mention the sky it’s angled at). In the image on the right we’re very much looking side on, and side on in the distance we have the LRRR -
Aldrin’s suit (not Armstrong!) Is receiving light reflected back from the surface, which is why it isn’t also in deep shadow, and he isn’t illuminating the panels because he’s stood behind them.
Guess who’s back, back again. Well, he’s responding to someone else’s dumbfuckery but in so doing shows how little he knows or is prepared to find out, compared with what he likes to pretend he knows. Here’s the claim (shown right): a lunar module photo shows two different builds in two different photos, one taken by Michael Collins and one on the lunar surface. He’s referring to foil on the left hand side of the panels on that flat face. I’ve added my own zoom in for clarity.
Our old China chimes in claiming that it is visible, and even draws some helpful arrows to show where it is -
There’s just one problem with this detailed and thorough analysis: the LM has 4 sides, and we are looking at two different ones here. The lunar surface one is looking at the aft equipment bay, whereas the photo it’s being compared with is of the panelling covering the ascent module fuel tanks for the engine itself and the reaction control thrusters. It’s completely the wrong side of the LM.
If only he’d looked at the previous photograph ion the magazine (AS11-
Yet again hoaxers see what they want to see, not what’s there, and get fooled by their own lack of knowledge about the thing in which they claim such expertise.
Is the LM shadow touching the horizon, thus proving it’s a small set? Of course not, don’t be stupid.
He’s the gift that keeps on giving. Rasa (who claims his old facebook account was deleted by ‘them’ -
He posts several annotated images, claiming that the probe uses a telescopic arm, which is visible in the Surveyor photos but not the Apollo 12 ones. The best one is below’.
One of his acolytes points out that that really how scissor arms work, but he doubles down on it, insisting that it is a “telescopic tube”.
He posts this photo of what Apollo 12’s view of Surveyor looks like, and there is a seemingly very thin connection to the scoop.
So, what gives?
As usual, the answer’s very simple. The “Analysis of Surveyor 3 material” report (I own an original) clearly describes the “retraction tape” that controlled the sampler arm -
If you zoom in close enough, you can make out those same markings, and it’s even more obviously a tape, not a tube.
While the one above (about 1:25 in) shows more of the scoop in action, where the tape starts off thin side on, but gets wider (with measuring marks) as it moves downwards.
The first few seconds of this video (below) show the tape in action, and it is very thin!
So there we have it, the reason it looks like a thin wire has nothing to do with it being a thin wire and everything to to with it being a tape used to pull the scissor arm in and out. The reason it looks thin is the viewing angle, it’s not a telescopic tube, and Rasa has once again shown that he has the observational ability of a blind mole-
In an addition to the facebook thread, Todd (also known as the ‘Conspiracy Dentist’ on youtube), tries his very best to enlighten Rasa about the steel band (right), even supplying another photo showing the complete twin-
As you can see, he’s having none of it, he’s decided that the black bands on the surveyor image are the joints of a telescopic arm and no amount of explanations and evidence will convince him otherwise. The fact that if it was telescopic it would get thinner near the end, yet it doesn’t, has also escaped him.
We can get even more supporting evidence from Surveyor 7, which has exactly the same design. Here’s a photo from the mission report, (my own copy).
Here’s a close up of that tape from my own copy of the Surveyor 3 preliminary report. It’s pretty obviously a thin piece of tape, with regular markers to measure its extension. If only there were some Apollo images that showed s similar thing. Like AS12-
They describe the process of collecting the scoop in the mission report, specifically mentioning the steel tape:
And no, Rasa, no-
Even if they did hide them, there are plenty of original copies of them around, like the ones I own. Rasa knows this, because the link he posts there is the same one I’ve just added describing the digitisation process.
It gets worse. Despite his followers posting pictures like this (below left) and this youtube video compiled from surveyor images (stills from which are shown below centre and right).
This one even shows the shadow from side on.
But despite all that, Rasa says…
There’s doubling down, and there’s doubling down squared -
It happens all the time, Don Petit’s throwaway quote about ‘Destroying the technology’ to get back to the moon (my emphasis) gets transformed into “destroyed everything to do with the Apollo landings ever.
This, however, is a flat out lie.
No: Northrop Grumman said no such thing. Paper copies of originals still exist, like the beauties below listed at Sotheby’s and Christie’s.
We also have this public archive of thousands of scans -
So while there may not be many originals floating around, there are certainly digital copies.
Oh, and notice the watermark in Rasa’s photo? It’s a replica copy available at all your favourite online retailers. His “engineer rescue” story is just more deluded fantasy. He has no idea of that image’s provenance, or even if it’s a genuine blueprint.
Try again, Rasa.
Old Erik here thinks he’s got NASA bang to rights with AS16-
Just one thing Eric, and Erik, that ‘demarcation line? It’s the edge of a crater, you dumb twats. This crater, shown in AS16-
You can also see the crater very nicely in LRO and Chandrayaan images. It’s not the start of a backdrop, it’s a natural feature visible form orbit.
And as for keeping it under wraps? Hardly, it’s on Flickr, it’s on the ALSJ and March to the Moon sites -
Another day, another dullard. “Jay” here thinks that the Apollo 17 footage taken on board the LM should show a changing shadow at pitchover, but claims it doesn’t. Leaving aside the fact that the onboard footage shows the change in viewing angle as the LM pitches over to orient itself on a path to lunar orbit, and leaving aside the fact that it shows astronaut trails and hardware that are still visible in photos taken by modern probes, leaving aside how big the area filmed needs to be to make that shadow as it rises, and that the sun is so high the change is going to be negligible, is he correct?
Here’s the LM shadow as it first lifts off, compared with the last view we have of it. The base of the LM is subtly, but obviously, different
Rasa tries to help him out by saying that the LM shadow stays sharp when it should become more blurred the further away from the ground. As you can see, that’s exactly what it does, so his knee-
His suggestion of “moving spotlight” is just ridiculous and pretty much impossible.
A pair of supposed academics somehow got a paper published where they claim Google Moon proves Apollo was faked. They’re idiots.