5.10: Your evidence is self-supporting and therefore suspect

There are two strands to this. The first being that the evidence is pretty much all from NASA and its affiliates, and the second being that where it isn't immediately obvious what weather systems are visible, a supporting argument has been constructed around other evidence, possibly introducing biased interpretation.

As far as the first point is concerned, it's an unfortunate fact that the vast majority of the evidence concerning the Apollo missions comes from NASA or related organisations, and many sources have been referenced from them (eg the mission transcripts, photo indices). The satellite evidence also has a link with NASA, as previously discussed. In an ideal world there would be other sources of information, but it is a fact of life that at the time of the missions the two major players were either NASA or their Soviet rivals. The former of these two has been very free with all its information, the latter less so.

I have no doubt that somewhere there are satellite photographs produced by other countries such as India, China and the USSR that would absolutely verify the weather patterns in the Apollo images. They might even be completely different, which would prove the argument against once and for all as well. Unfortunately I do not have the time, contacts or resources to find them. The door is open for anyone who cares to have a go to find that evidence and either blow my theory out of the water or prove it absolutely.

The second point was at least partially covered during the section on Apollo 17, but is worth further examination.

Wherever possible the approach I have taken throughout this research has been to take an Apollo photograph, find a matching weather pattern, and then try and see what other evidence supports the suggestion that they were taken at the same time. Stellarium, the mission transcripts, the photograph indices, and any other sources I could find are all used to back up the suggestion that the Apollo image was taken at a particular time.

What needs to be avoided is making a decision based on incomplete evidence, then trying to make all the other evidence fit (and ignoring the inconvenient evidence that says you are wrong). There have been a number of occasions where I have had to completely re-think when a photograph was taken because what looked right on the screen couldn't possibly be right because the evidence of other sources said otherwise.

As far as I can tell everything included in this research is correct, and is consistent with all the sources of evidence available. It is not correct because I have forced it to be so. If you believe there are errors or inconsistencies, you have all the information you need to repeat the exercise yourself. Knock yourself out.

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