
Onslaught on the moon - see what he did there?

Very readable magazine written by respected space journalist Reginald Turnhill, whose autobiography ‘The Moonlandings: an eyewitness account’ is an entertaining and interesting telling of what it was like to be behind the scenes at NASA during the landings.

A notable error is the Earthrise image from Apollo 8, which has been printed the wrong way round.

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Man on the moon

A Daily Mirror publication telling the story of a lunar mission from start to finish. Interestingly they chose to use illustrations rather than photographs, even though some of the illustrations are quite obviously of photographs.

Perhaps it was cheaper than paying NASA.

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Flight International

A heavyweight periodical aimed at enthusiasts and industry professionals alike, this February 1969 edition gave a detailed look at the upcoming landings.

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Sunday Times Magazine - July 27 1969

First of three editions of the magazine dedicated to Apollo 11, this one mostly giving background to the mission and some images taken from the TV coverage.

Some rescanning was needed and a different scanner was used on those pages.

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Sunday Times Magazine - August 3 1969

Second of three editions dedicated to Apollo 11.

Most of the images are from 16mm film.

Some rescanning was needed and a different scanner was used on those pages.

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Sunday Times Magazine - August 10 1969

Third of three editions dedicated to Apollo 11 containing 16mm and Hasselblad photographs from the mission.

Some rescanning was needed and a different scanner was used on those pages.

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This Evening Post supplement published on January 6th 1969 covered Apollo 8’s circumlunar mission.

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Shropshire Star

Four page pull-out dated July 31st 1969 with photos and text from Apollo 11.

Some re-scanning was needed and a different scanner was used.

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Time Magazine

This January 8 1973 edition has an article on Apollo 17.

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Evening Standard

Monday July 21st - evening papers in the UK had the advantage over their morning rivals, as the timing of the moonwalk meant it was too late for the breakfast editions.

This special edition of the London paper has details and some TV images.

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Evening Standard

Thursday July 31st souvenir edition featuring photos and mission details.

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Daily Telegraph Magazine

January 10th 1969 edition featuring article and photographs from Apollo 8.

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Touchdown on the Moon

New American Library publication intended as a guide to the upcoming Apollo 11 mission.

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Evening Telegraph

Special publication from August 6 1969, photos and articles covering Apollo 11.

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Moon Touchdown

Yorkshire Post supplement from July 1969. Interesting attempt to colourise the black and white TV image.

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Daily Post supplement (number 6) published on January 11th 1969 and covering Apollo 8.

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Moon Landing

Special edition from a UK local newspaper

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Salute to Apollo

Special edition from the Evening Standard, published on 25/07/69.

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Boy’s Own

1969 edition with an article by Patrick Moore about the moon landing mission. The endpaper shows a proposed lunar vehicle with ‘Grumman’ on the front. Also included is a short science fiction story referencing (among other things) Werner von Braun.

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Flight International - July 10 1969

Pre-mission article on Apollo 11 relating mostly to the flight suit. Other space related news and adverts also included.

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Time - August 9 1971

In depth article covering the Apollo 15 mission

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Apollo Home Apollo Ephemera Home

The Race Into Space

A common marketing gimmick for tea and tea bags was to give away small collectable cards that could be inserted in a book. This very well put together and informative one covers the space race.

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Newsweek Magazine - July 21 1969

Article on the mission and its crew. Although dated the day of the landing, it was prepared and printed prior to it, so all the details of the mission are based on the timelines released in advanced by NASA.

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Paris Match - January 11 1969

Article and photographs covering Apollo 8, together with some information about the upcoming Apollo 11 mission. Also included is a small piece at the start showing Soviet cosmonauts preparing for their space missions. In French, no subtitles.

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Exploring: Man on the moon, 1977

Science Museum publication.

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Special Edition


Italian magazine ‘Epoca’ did a big spread of Apollo 11 images, as well as an article about an Italian journalist’s experiences covering the mission and an article on the Martian ‘Mariner’ probe.

In Italian. With all respect.

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Local newspaper supplement published before the launch.

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Soviet Weather Satellite

Soviet propaganda pamphlet, in both Russian and English, explaining to the capitalist world how the glorious People’s weather satellite works. Undated, but probably 1968.

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Popular Mechanics

Classic 1969 edition of the hobbyist mechanic magazine.

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Popular scifi magazine from the golden age of the genre, featuring an article by author Ben Bova on the logistics behind the Apollo missions.

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Look Special  -Apollo 11: On the Moon

For my money the best of the popular souvenir specials. Excellent narrative text and detailed but not over complex technical diagrams and data, plus all the usual photographic suspects.

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Air Force Systems Command News Review

August 1969 edition of a military newsletter, detailing various aspects of the Air Force’s involvement in Apollo 11,

While celebrating the mission’s success, it’s clear much of the copy was written before the landing happened.

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American Scientist

March - April 1972 edition of this journal, containing a detailed summary of the Apollo 15 mission (much of it culled from the Preliminary Science Report.

Notable for its inclusion of a Panoramic Camera image of the lunar module on the surface

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British amateur astronomy magazine’s take on the mission, with other articles on the Soviet reach for the moon and Mars exploration.

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British edition of the highbrow US periodical, dated July 25th 1969. No photos from the mission, but lots of discussion about it.

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French hobbyist magazine for amateur photographers and home movie makers discusses Apollo 8’s photographs, cameras and film. In French, published in April 1969, and notable for its use of a different Earthrise to the usual one on the cover.

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A map of the zones of interest for the Apollo 11 landings, compiled from Lunar Orbiter IV images. Download here. Apollo 11 landed in/near Site 2.


Featuring an article on an astronaut training ground in Oregon, Apollo 9, and a news report on Frank Borman visiting the UK

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January 1969 report on the Apollo 8 mission, with stills from the TV broadcasts and a map of the lunar orbital path.

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